Educate 3000 Children Against
Societal Risks
The program develops individual and community protection for 3000 children with knowledge against sexual abuse and exploitation, human trafficking, domestic violence, unsafe migration, etc. Reproductive health and technics of self-defense are also part of the training. It sensitizes children and their parents on community-watch for a better protection of their community. Please very urgently reply me Sir
Over our experience with more than 65,000 victims for almost two decades, we learned that 90% of them have experienced sexual abuse during their childhood. Sexual abuse, exploitation, incest and human trafficking are recognized as important problems in INDIA. Furthermore, reproductive health and sex-related risk prevention education for children is out of the question and we need to move forward from this obsolete state with preventive Education. Please urgently Need Donations, Please Every Donations Now. Thanks Please urgently Need Donation, Donate Now Donate Now